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Reading Lines GP35 #3647

Middletown, Pa

Friday 28 February 2014

2nd last Industry for the L&T Branch...

Well we are on the home stretch with structures and the completion of the L&T Branch.
Today I started the second last structure to be placed on the L&T, this structure is based around a small to medium industry and the backend receiving section of the complex.
It is built from the Walthers "Bud's Trucking" - Building Flat kit, it has been modified slightly with the addition of the longer wall section on the right hand side to cater for the truck loading dock.
The kit took most of today to build with the alterations and was painted with the base colours by this afternoon, and I finished off to the built stage this evening.
The kit fits perfectly in this space and I'm happy I changed the original plan, I was going to use the same kit but with a  concrete loading dock running along parallel to the building flat.  This works much better and the angle with the additional depth to the flat makes it look more substantial.
I tried to get another loading dock into the rail served area but was unable to due to the short length of the siding, I can still get both a 50' & 60' Boxcar into the siding and clear the track and turnout next to the building.
The next step is to finish off the remaining painting & detailing, then add the loading dock rubber seals, some lighting around the building, weathering & signage, then finally the concrete standing areas and scenery.
Was a great little project for a day and evening, and will post some more updates as we progress.


Thursday 27 February 2014

Results of the first attempt...

At decals on my new/old RDG Rolling Stock...
The colour may seem a little darker (which it is) because I added another couple of coats of the PS RDG Green, and then added a final Gloss Coat.
And up close, shows some of the spots that didnt bed down over the details to well, even after applying MircoSol...
Still a lot more to add before finished, so more soon...


Monday 24 February 2014

When you cant find anymore RDG - Rolling Stock...

You go out and you make your own...
These are not prototypical, but I really want to build up my Reading Lines rolling stock.  Seeing that I have taken the liberty of letting the RDG live on through and into the Conrail era these will be a newish acquisition.
They are based on a Atlas Trainman ACF 50'6" Box Car.  These are undecorated and I will be painting them, applying decals, weathering & detailing.  There will be four of these boxcars done in different RDG schemes.
More to follow soon.

CR #9625 MP15DC...

Working the L&T Branch today...

This switcher is another by Jim Rinker of Delano Mountain Custom Models, it has Soundtraxx Tsunami Sound, Custom Numbering, Weathering & Detailing.


Sunday 9 February 2014

More RDG GP35's to the roster...

I recently received some more RDG GP35's to be added to the roster, one is a Athearn RTR numbered for RDG #3629 and the other is a Kato RTR numbered for RDG #3645

I plan on weathering these two once I've practised on a few more box cars, I'll also be adding Soundtraxx Tsunami Sound to both too.

It's getting increasingly harder to find these in different road numbers, hence the reason why I jump on them when they pop up.
