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Reading Lines GP35 #3647

Middletown, Pa

Saturday 29 July 2017

Home stretch for Signal Bridges...

This week I started the last couple of Signal Bridges for the layout.  There is only another one or two after this one and we are just about done.  This is again another IHC Plastic Kit that can span upto four tracks.

This bridge is located at Hershey and protects the mainline heading south from Hershey as it passes through the Manheim Junction interlocks, and the Hershey siding heading northbound to Columbia.

The triple head mast is for the mainline, and the double head for the passing siding.  The only difference is the double head cannot display a "Slow Clear", this is overcome by the fact that the double can show a "Restricting" for the siding and beyond.

There will also be a double head dwarf signal that will protect the siding heading southbound just before the crossover.

The next phase for this bridge is to install the clear lenses in the heads and wire in the Tri-Colured LED's and run the wire underneath the layout.



Thursday 6 July 2017

Turning Track Work into Fascia Panels...

This afternoon & evening has been spent trying to get the physical track work design from the layout onto a fascia panel that flows, makes sense and incorporates all the turnouts so that it will function properly...

Below are the segments of track work that needed to be added to the fascia panel for Lancaster Junction.

The portion above only required the back right-handed crossover to be show...

The middle two left handed turnouts joined together were next...

And finally the series left & right handed curved turnouts to form a crossover connecting two mainlines and two passing sidings...

And this is what all of the above looks like when condensed into a fascia panel.  The bigger circles on the lines are the position for the push buttons for the Tortoise machines...

The lighter coloured track (labelled as Track 1) are the mainlines and the darker ones are either passing sidings or storage tracks.

Next step is to laminate and punch out the push button holes then mount...


Monday 3 July 2017

First Friday night - Operating Session...

So last night we had our first Friday night Ops Session. We had six of the group show up for a few hours of giving the layout a good solid workout.

John & Ron used the switch lists  and the others were free to build and switch their own trains. The night was more about testing the layout and seeing how it would handle the numbers of operators.

A few little issues with fascia panels not matching track work which had a few scratching their heads. The layout didn't have any issues with dropping out due to shorts which had been an issue the last few time we operated.
The layout with six operators is about its max, and it needs some work with labelling main vs passing siding and industrial/yard tracks.

The signalling & dispatching didn't end up being used last night as I couldn't get the panel altered & working in time.

Still a great night, and certainly filled in threes hours. Lots of work to do before the next one, in fact it will likely be stretched out for two months as there is a lot to get right & squared away before the next session.
