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Reading Lines GP35 #3647

Middletown, Pa

Wednesday 30 May 2018

Even well thought out plans...

Will need some tweaking...

I needed to adjust some of the bench framework, fortunately the adjustments needed only needed about 75mm/3" to be removed from the ends of the horizontal supports.  I managed to miss the Tortoise Motors for two turnouts and two terminal blocks full of feeders too.

The section of sub-roadbed removed was an addition added to allow the crossover & track from the helix/nolix to be added when I built this section years ago.

The wiring that run over the top of the last helix turn also needed to be secured & adjusted so that it would clear the helix.  I also had to adjust the main wiring bus and secure it in several locations to ensure that it remained clear of the helix.

Now that these issues have been completed I need to do an outside frame to support the base of the helix, this will also have risers and further frames to support the plywood sub roadbed (18mm/0.70") that has been removed to make the alterations.
It adds another 100mm/4” to the existing fascia edge.  And may also assist in extending the Shippensburg Classification Yard - Tracks too, now that the I have gained some more layout area.

I’ll be looking at the bridge/river crossing frame, it has been built using two sections instead of one piece and now that it is no longer a lift up bridge and is normal secured (it can be removed if needed, I may simplify it a bit too.

Guess the lesson of this post is, always be prepared to pull something out and start again if needed...


Tuesday 29 May 2018

Helix coming up from the ground...

So today I managed to get the first full ring of the helix completed. It’s now in place and again I have checked it’s location relative to the fascia edge, and checked it’s position & alignment with the existing entry point & new exit point to staging.

I’ve also added a work light for the area whilst constructing the helix, which will stay to light the inside of the helix when finished...

Next phase is to design the base frame work to allow the helix to rise up to its final position. The frame work once completed will have the legs removed so that I can then lower the first ring so I can add the track, and remaining 4.5 rings. Once the initial grade of 2.15% is set the remaining helix will use the usual block timber method for separation.


Monday 28 May 2018

More planning work on the helix for staging...

Today I continued on with some more planning for the helix. I settled on a method of securing the sections together that is both easy, quick, sturdy & cheap by using stitching plate & stitching screws.

I also checking the position of the helix in relation to the layout framing and also the radius again. The diameter of the helix fits within the confines of the bench work as can be seen by the black marker on the floor, this is the edge of the fascia above. The radius will stay at 28"R.

I have ordered a large sheet of 12mm (1/2") structural plywood and will begin cutting out the segments tomorrow.  Once I have one (1) full ring made and the sections joined together I will setting the initial grade and working out how much alterations will be required to one section of layout bench work supports.


Saturday 26 May 2018

Peco SL-U8363 - Double Slip Switch - Video...

Here is a short video of the completed Peco SL-U8363 Unifrog Double Slip Switch.

I completed the installation of the four (4) turnouts that control the interlocking, there are two Tortoise Switch Machines that control the routes within the double slip, and a further two that control the approaches via the left hand turnouts on the approaches to the double switch.

The four turnouts are connected to a new Digitrax DS64, the DS64 allows computer control via JMRI & PanelPro of the interlocking, and also vioa push buttons on the fascia for local operator control.  Due to routes that can be chosen within the double slip, both Tortoise Motors require individual control, previously with a crossover I could have two turnouts controlled by one fascia push button.


Sunday 20 May 2018

PECO SL-U8363 - Double Slip Switch...

So I have received my new Peco - Double Slip Switch, over the next two days I will be installing it into the mainline at Shippensburg and connecting it to the storage tracks (north & south) on the layout.

The installation instructions are pretty much the same for all of Peco's Insulfrog range of turnouts.  The only difference is that these "Unifrog" variants can be both "Insulfrog & Electrofrog" types by either leaving the frog dead or powering it via the attached frog wires.

The turnouts are what you would expect from Peco, well made, and great looking designed Code 83 switches with great detail as well.

I will do another post once it is installed and operating on the layout.


Saturday 12 May 2018

New PECO - Double Slip Switch for track work...

Today I invested in a new Peco - Double Slip Switch for a section of the layout requiring two sets of storage tracks to be connected for operations.

The switch is Peco's new UniFrog design and is their first in the Code 83-American design turnouts.

The switch will connect the storage tracks that serve the Hershey Chocolate silos & main plant.  Previously these tracks were not connected to the tracks on the south side and it would have tied up the mainline switching cars with the existing setup.  The mainline is highlighted in blue, the new crossover incorporating the new double slip is in yellow, and the storage tracks that serve Hershey or are used to switch cars to Hershey are in white.

New setup will allow greater flexibility for operations and will allow the Hershey Plant to operate at its full potential.


Friday 11 May 2018

Staging Deck Development has begun...

So given the cold & wet weather that has descended on Melbourne today I decided to finish off the day in the warmth of the house and begin designing the staging level for the layout.

One of the things that has been missing when we have run operating sessions has been a staging area to represent the "other" parts of the east coast and in particular the interchanges with the other railroads that are working on the layout too.

So in preparation for the end of the signal installation on the layout, I started today on the design of the staging area.  It will sit below the main deck and will be accessed by either a 26" Radius Helix, or a Nolix on grade running along the back wall.

The staging area will consist of six (6) tracks and one run-around track all connected to a reversing loop.  The reversing loop will allow for trains to enter staging and then run-around and enter the yard ladder closest to the loop, this will allow trains to be staged ready to head out on the next ops session.

The staging tracks will all be PECO Code 100 - Streamline.  The helix will be 26" Radius, 52" Diameter, 2.27% Grade, 4" height between each deck, 6 Rings in total and will be 24" in height.  The staging deck will be plywood top and simple L type legs supported onto the concrete floor and secured to the timber wall framing.  Underneath this will be storage.
