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Reading Lines GP35 #3647

Middletown, Pa

Wednesday 30 June 2021

Project RDG-3640 - Second coat & back masking...

Second coat of colour this morning, masked and back sprayed the sections of the lower walkways and cab light/number board area ready for yellow paint this afternoon…

Couple of shots of the SMS - Forest Green compared to the Athearn - GP39-2 Reading Green.  It’s close, and put it between the Kato & Athearn and it’s good for me, just waiting to see what it’s like when I do the gloss coats ready for decals.


Wednesday 23 June 2021

First coat of colour for Project RDG-3460...

Shot the first coat of SMS - Forest Green today for the Project RDG-3640 shell.

This was mixed with 10% SMS Premium Thinners, and shot @12psi with a 0.3mm Tip.

The color is close to RDG Green, a little off but with a little weathering it should be fine.

I’ll be doing another two coats of green, then all the safety yellow sections, a finish gloss coat, decals, then a flat clear to finish before weathering.

Monday 21 June 2021

Project RDG-3640 - Drip Strips Installed...

Installing the drip strips on Project RDG-3640 today.

These are Cal Scale strips (190-615), to get them to fit the Kato - GP35 cab I had to cut the length down to the securing tabs.

When looking at the prototype they’re almost straight, with only a slightest of bend in the middle of the strip.

Sprayed again with Tamiya - (White) Fine Surface Primer…

Tuesday 15 June 2021

Project RDG-3640 has begun...

Stripped down (lettering & numbers) using Mr Color - Thinner, original Kato shell is a Burlington Northern - Phase 1b shell.  

I’ve decided to start with this shell as a test, if it works out I’ll use it for the project.  Shell is ready for primer.

For this project I've decided to use Tamiya - Fine Surface Primer, this was recommended from a few people because of its ultra flat smoothness when sprayed straight from the can.

The Kato shells are great to work with once disassembled, easy to paint and have great detail.

Next phase is getting the Reading Green match...