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Favourite Photos...
Reading Lines GP35 #3647

Middletown, Pa

Sunday 25 April 2021

Road Bridge - Backdrop Transition - Part 3

Yesterday I finished the main structure sections of the road bridge, still have the pylons/arches to add, and a couple of concrete bases for the end sections.

Really happy with transition, once painted & weathered should really blend the scene, backdrop and bridge all together.  I can see this being a highly photographed section as trains enter the layout from staging.

I plan on adding some Cornerstone - Modulars kits behind the backdrop to hide the layout framing.

Next step will be priming and painting the bridge...

Saturday 24 April 2021

Road Bridge - Backdrop Transition - Part 2...

Working on the road bridge to backdrop transition again today.

The left section of the road bridge tapers from the right to left.  To accomplish a smooth join I scribed the level height of the bridge into the backdrop and carved a groove into the drywall backdrop for the 1.5mm styrene sheet to sit in.

I then glued the overpass concrete railing to existing section, and the section of styrene sheet roadbed.  Once this had dried, I then glued the styrene I beams into place under the roadbed.

Again, once the tractor trailers are placed into position it hides the translation further & blocks the viewable edge of the backdrop too.

Monday 19 April 2021

Road Bridge - Backdrop Transition

School holidays have finished, that means back into the layout again...

Today was spent working on installing the road bridge that will hide the backdrop to layout transition.

A few strategically placed prime movers with trailers and some distant building photo backdrops and we’ll be right...

Saturday 10 April 2021

Next Locomotive Project - RDG GP35 - #3640...

Latest shipments arrived from the USA...

Next project will be converting this Undecorated - Kato GP35 - Phase 1b.

This will be RDG #3640, the only GP35 to be repainted in the Reading all green scheme.  RDG 3640 was the only GP35 to be re-painted into RDG's all green scheme before the Conrail merger in 76.

It will get a ESU - LokSound V5 - Direct Decoder, ESU - Power Pack Mini & will be converted to all LED lighting.

More soon...

Sunday 4 April 2021

Hershey Chocolates - HERX 50' NAC Boxcar Decals...

I’ve been searching for some boxcars to convert into a Hershey Chocolate Fleet of HERX 50’ - Plug Door Boxcars, for my Hershey Pa, plant.

I've found that the Athearn 50' NAC Plug Door series was the perfect match...

I’ve managed to get a few shots of the cars through some great help from Tom Jacobs, and was looking to source some decals.



Jim from HighBall - Graphics has helped me with some custom decals for my RDG number boards & WM cab road numbers over past builds.

So I asked Jim if he could help out with the Hershey decals.  Well Jim, did come through.  And he’s decided to run the series on his website as a permanent run.

HighBall Graphics - Hershey Foods - 50' NAC Boxcar

Happy Days & Chocolate Smiles for HO & N Scale - Hershey Chocolate Plant operators...

Saturday 3 April 2021

Bridges re-installed & more weathering...

Re-installed the bridges again today, some more weathering of the terrain on the south river bank.

I'll glue the bridge track down to the bridges tomorrow now that I have guard rails installed, and the bridge track is fully painted.

The bridges will then get weathered with some weathering powders...
