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Reading Lines GP35 #3647

Middletown, Pa

Tuesday 26 February 2019

Staging Deck track laying continues...

Today I continued on with laying the Code 100 track for the six staging deck tracks, and the inbound & outbound track that leads to the return loop.

The two sections so far represent 7' or 2100mm of useable track for storage on the six (6) staging tracks.

The are being secured by Peco - Track fixing pins.  These are pushed straight into the plywood, this will make the removal of the track if needed far easier than if the track was glued down with caulk.


Friday 8 February 2019

Track laying begins on the Staging Deck...

Today was the first day I was able to make a proper start on the Staging Deck.

I received all of the hardware this week including the new NCE PB5 DCC - Booster, another Digitrax BDL168, PSX - Circuit Breaker, PSX-AR Auto Reverser, Digitrax DS64's, more Tortoise motors & MP5's.

First task was to install some extra lighting for the main section of staging deck.

Next stage was to install the Atlas - Rerailers at the start of each of the six staging tracks.

I then installed the sections of Peco - Code 100 flextrack inbetween the rerailers and the turnouts.

At the end of day one I've completed the yard ladder, rerailers and the first sections of the staging tracks and inbound/outbound track.

More soon...

Saturday 2 February 2019

The CNJ joins the operating roster...

Since researching the layout further I decided that I wanted to operate the Central Railroad Company of New Jersey (CNJ).

The problem is to find any of their locomotives, cabooses and/or rolling stock is pretty hard.  Impossible here in Australia and almost getting into rare in the US on eBay.

I manged to find two Atlas - SD35 CNJ locomotives, and two Proto 2000 - CNJ cabooses too.
