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Reading Lines GP35 #3647

Middletown, Pa

Tuesday 20 September 2011

JLandT Railroad gets a dedicated blog...

Well today I've decided to start a dedicated blog that will show the construction of the JL&T Railroad.  This blog will follow our progress to date, and into the future of all the phases from planning, construction and operation of the JL&T.

I hope you enjoy the journey, please feel free to comment as we go.



  1. Jason,
    I am honored you have a link to my railroad on the new JL&T site. Thank you. Your layout building serves as great inspiration for me as I build mine. Glad to see you have a dedicated blog for the JL&T. You know I will be following!

  2. Alan,

    Your more than welcome, inspiration for me and others can even come from those who have started after you, or are behind the stage that your currently at. I still have a second level to build so I can still learn from you for that, that what is so special about this hobby, you keep learning every day...


  3. Jason-

    Nice start- this really looks good. So good, in fact, that I clicked on the Blogger button at the bottom and finally started one myself- see http://cwerailroad.blogspot.com/2011/11/beginning.html. And check out the links. Thanks for the inspiration- now if I can just figure out how mset up half of the stuff you've set up on your blog...


  4. Tom,

    Thanks for the comments and glad you got some inspiration to start your own blog. Sharing is the key to making this the great hobby that it is. If we all share our respective layout builds, and ideas then we really do have a massive resource base for everybody to use and draw inspiration from.

