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Reading Lines GP35 #3647

Middletown, Pa

Friday, 20 April 2018

New method for Searchlight LED's

Over the last few days I have been refining the method I have previously used to install the RR CirKits Tri-Colored LED's into the layouts searchlight & dwarf signals.

The new version of the LED's come pre-wired with 36-Awg magnet wire.  And they are tiny!

Some would say that tiny can be a pain to work with, and that is certainly true if you had to solder the magnet wires on these.  But having them so small makes them much easier to attach to the Bivar light-tubes that I use for the searchlight lenses.

A small amount of CA glue on the LED and lense face and the LED is secured quickly.

The next step is to feed the magnet wires through the signal head and then push fit the light tube/lense into the signal head.

When completed these make fantastic and realistic railroad signal masts with prototypical aspect colours...



  1. Hi, looks great. Where did you get the heads? Cheers, Rene

  2. These are from RRCirKits - SS-RGY-24. They are a true tri-light LED with prototypical railroad signal colors.

