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Reading Lines GP35 #3647

Middletown, Pa

Thursday, 27 January 2022

RDG - Centre Depressed Flatcar - First Test Print...

First test print ready to go for the RDG - Centre Depressed Flatcar trucks & connecting bracket...

If the print is successful I'll also test fit the Intermountain - Semi Scale 33" wheels too.


  1. It looks like there is more resin volume in the stanchions (or whatever they are called) than in the car itself. Why is that?

    1. Each print is unique in the way you setup the "supports", I'm still learning and I always put more in than what I need to start. There are suction & lifting forces when the build plate rises off the film, and if your supports aren't strong enough it will tear the support away from the layer on the film.
      The ultimate goal is to get the supports down to the minimum needed to minimise resin use, but also ensuring a successful print, its a real balancing game sometimes Alan...

    2. Is there a reason why the car sits so high above the build plate? It looks in your screenshot that the supports could be much shorter.

    3. It's actually not that far, about 10mm above the build plate, any shorter and I can't add cross braces to stabilise the supports further...
