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Reading Lines GP35 #3647

Middletown, Pa

Friday, 9 January 2015

Ready for the detection & signal installation...

Well yesterday I removed all of our locomotives and rolling stock from the layout and cleaned up the deck.  Just waiting on a shipment of another 24 - Tortoise Motors, and another 3 - Digitrax SE8c's and we are ready to make the major push to install all the signal wiring, remaining Tortoise's, LocoNet, power bus for the accessories, and the boards with hardware.  
After placing all the isolators for the detection blocks I found we had created a few dead sections that had no feeders.  These will be added when we do the rewire as the have to wired to the BDL's, so I have another two of them to wire up on boards, and another 5 SE8c's boards to wire up too.
In the order from Litchfield Station I also got some ready made R15k resistive 33" wheels sets too, this will allow me to quickly make up a few pieces of rolling stock and a caboose to be able to test out the detection sections, BDL's and ensure JMRI is working and receiving the data from the LocoNet.
Seeing it's our summer over here I'm hoping to throw a wiring session or two, followed by a BBQ lunch, and then a little ops session after with a great group of guys that live within an hour of us.