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Reading Lines GP35 #3647

Middletown, Pa

Sunday 1 November 2015

Another fine example of great planning & attention to detail...

A truly great friend of mine is Alan Bailey, many of you will have seen his LK&O Railroad taking shape on his website.
Alan and I have struck up a great friendship even though we are some 16000 odd kilometres away from each other, it's amazing how much we have in common in our lives including our layouts!  I hope one day we actually get to meet in person...

Alan's next module "Module 5" is another fine example of great planning, astounding wiring skills, and a fine level of detail for installing wiring that is rarely seen on a layout, it is a work of art in itself, in fact I would spend hours just looking at the wiring...

Check out Alan's latest post:

LK&O Railroad - Module 5...


  1. I am honored you have posted about my railroad on your site. Funny how I seem to be spending so much time on wiring that will be hidden from view while you are spending time on wiring that will look very cool on your railroad. I'll get there one day. And when I do I plan to use your method of signal lighting. Your time spent writing the article will pay off for folks like me. It will be my instruction sheet!

  2. I'm in the same boat too, there is an equal amount of wiring under our layout that will also rarely be seen by operators or visitors.
    Its a satisfying endeavour though, and the learning curve although immense is extremely rewarding when you see two colored aspects change or start flashing... ;)
    It might take a little time to finish the full install article , but I'll make sure you get the pre-release copy!
