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Reading Lines GP35 #3647

Middletown, Pa

Thursday 8 December 2016

Another Signal Bridge after holidays...

So after returning from a week of family holidays from this (this was the view from our holiday house) and the warm weather...

It's back into building more signal bridges & signal masts...

Still using the IHC Plastic kits with he searchlights at this stage.  First installation is a triple head mast.  I had to test fit the twelve (12) wires into the styrene tube first to make sure I could feed the all through.

Next step was to glue in place and ensure it remained plumb while the glue setup.  I would normally give it a hit with some instant set but it has seemed to have gone off and doesn't work.

To ensure the mast was plumb to the signal bridge framework I used a square to check...

Tomorrow I will make up a double head mast and attach that along with feeding the wires through and connecting to the SE8C board.



  1. Hi Jason,
    Just joined your site- certainly great progress you are making on your very large model railroad there- I'm just starting here (in Sydney) on my HO Project- Montana Rail Link. Look forward to following your future developments. Regards. KEV.

  2. Hi Kev,
    Thanks for joining and following along, hopefully there a few things you can use now that you have started your own layout. Hopefully you'll start your own blog too.

    Cheers, Jas...

    1. Jason,
      If you click onto my Name (above) - the Profile should come up - You'll find my 'MONTANA Rail Link in HO Layout' (BLOG). Cheers. KEV.
