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Reading Lines GP35 #3647

Middletown, Pa

Friday 30 November 2018

One section of Staging Deck complete...

Today I installed the remaining section of the north side of the staging deck.

I now have 14 feet / 4.3 metres of usable space to place six staging tracks and one arrival/departure track.

One of the great aspects of having the extra height underneath the layout, is that even with the staging deck I have managed to maintain enough room to store all of my storage bins under the staging deck.

The ability to roll along with my chair and select locomotives & rolling stock from the storage bins, then place them onto the staging yard will make it an effortless job.

There will also be the ability to "switch" the staging yard too if someone is keen enough, due to the height of the staging deck.

Back to work for the next week, so more soon.


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