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Reading Lines GP35 #3647

Middletown, Pa

Tuesday, 12 March 2019

Staging moves around the curves...

Today was a productive day as I managed to get the Staging Tracks all the way around curves on the Staging Deck.

I used a RibbonRail - Metal Alignment gauge to set the initial 28"R on the arrival/departure track.  Once this was set and pinned down using track pins I then cut several strips of 1/8" cork sub roadbed 1" wide and then used this to maintain a track, centre to centre of 2 11/64" (55mm) between tracks.

This worked extremely well and consistently kept the track centres at the above measurements.  The out most staging track is a little over a 40"R.  Once I had the two inner track set and pinned I checked the clearances with my longest pieces of rolling stock.

I then installed the remaining five tracks using the cork roadbed strips as a guide.

All the tracks have now been installed around the curves and the next phase is to install the southern yard ladder.

More soon.



  1. Good to see you incorporated easements. Technically not needed in a staging yard but sure does add a nice touch. Well done.

  2. Thanks Alan, only very small easements. But wanted the staging running as perfect as possible seeing its hidden most of the time.
